Sexual misconduct accusations from 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago - I don't take the alleged victim's word for it unless there are photos, videos or audio to prove it
Imagine you are a man and someone is accusing you of inappropriate sexual conduct from 10 years ago. Obviously, after all this time there are no cameras. The witnesses have forgotten or their memory is impaired. And most importantly - it is impossible to do a gynecological exam that proves the allegations. It is impossible for a man to defend himself against accusations that are not old. He has no choice but to deny it.
No, the word of an accusing person should not be enough to convict someone. And it is absurd that cases like this go to trial.
it is impossible for the defendant to prove his innocence
And men are condemned just because people made drama, cried - these people appeal to emotion, but the judgment should be guided by logical reasoning.
I understand that crimes of this nature often go unpunished. BUT, that does not justify using some men as scapegoats.