Ranking the months by weather

Thought this would be a fun idea. Feel free to agree, disagree, or post your own. Tucson has a very unique climate that influences my opinions here and there is room for a ton of subjectivity. Have fun!

  1. March

I really struggled to come up with #1 but I settled on March. The days get longer and the desert (usually) starts to bloom. The sky is such a deep blue and it's warm during the day but not too hot. And you usually get a couple nice spring showers that leave a dusting on it mountains. And my pool (with a cover and heat pump) is usually warm enough to get back into. I just find myself saying "it's so nice outside" a lot in March.

  1. November

Usually just as good if not better during the day than March but the days are shorter and the nights can be chilly.

  1. October

Still hot during a lot of the days but the biting heat of summer is fading and by Halloween it's perfect.

  1. February

Perfect hiking weather but still pretty cold at night.

  1. April

A lot of people love April but for me it starts to get a little too warm to fully enjoy being outside by the end of the month. Still a pleasant month.

  1. September

Hot during the day but finally cooling off at night and the thunderstorms are usually over so it's easier to get back into the pool and beautiful when the sun goes down.

  1. December

It feels like most years the temperature really drops in December. Even though it's heaven compared to most places that time of year, it often takes this whole month for me to get used to the much lower highs and lows.

  1. January

Same as December but seems more bipolar. It's more depressing at night without all the Chris lights up too. Just a little too cold most days to be any higher. Most frost on the windshield in the morning and the mornings are dark (latest sunrises).

  1. May

It's starting to get hot. But great pool weather. Everything else sucks outside during the day. But nights are still pleasant.

  1. August

Humid and muggy galore. Still a chance for storms but they don't seem as violent as July. And the days are getting a little shorter so it cools off earlier. Some of the best sunsets and the greenest the desert gets all year. But still way too hot.

  1. June

Unbearable heat during the day. But the nights stay cooler. Only reason June isn't lower. Everything is dead, the sun is too high, and it's just bleh.

  1. July

Scorching heat, high humidity, doesn't cool off at night. Also has the most violent monsoon season storms, power outages, floods, AC's breaking. The storms are beautiful but this is really the worst month in Tucson in my opinion. On many days in recent years it's just as hot and bright as June but with an added layer of muchness and the threat of your AC not working after an evening microburst.