Dating a girl who wears Hijab
So lately, I’ve been dating a girl who wears a hijab. She is the sweetest and kindest girl ever; she’s very warm and caring. I’m not religious myself (your normal Tunisian Muslim), and I’ve had my fair share of relationships before. She’s okay with that and somehow accepts me for who I am.
My issue is that this is my first relationship with a girl like her. I never imagined myself with a met7ajba—like, ever—but she’s that amazing. I don’t know how to be in a relationship with no physical intimacy. I totally respect her boundaries and her values, and I would never pressure her to do anything.
Also, me going to parties and bars upsets her (she didn’t specifically tell me to stop going but i know it upsets her, also i rarely drink i just go with my friends ), I go even less now because I don’t want to lose her. I really like her, and we have many things in common. I love how sweet, innocent, and kind-hearted she is. My exes were the total opposite.
I’m really confused, and I don’t want to mess this up because I really like her and i think i lover her even (I didn’t confess yet) I’m equally surprised that I’ve fallen for her and scared that I might hurt her.
Has anyone had a similar experience? Any advice is appreciated. Thank you!