Does Anyone Else Wish They Had Kept Jack More Grounded and human, and not As Superheroish and cold As He Became In The Last Few Seasons?
When I was younger I was definitely drawn to Jack being such an invincible tough guy, but season 1 and that version of Jack is what I now rewatch the most by far.
Think about Jack hammering the Drazens and his couple of men compared to Jack killing Cheng and his goons in LAD. Although Jack was a badass in the Drazens scene, it was an intense shootout, there were a lot of missed shots and cover taken, and Jack only narrowly prevailed after Victor ran out of bullets. That contrasts sharply with killing Cheng and about 20 guys without even blinking.
Another example I can think of is jack pulling the trick of exploding the van in Gaines compound cuz he could see him and rick were sitting ducks otherwise. Again, the jack in the last couple of seasons would have somehow gunned them all down himself. I liked jack showing some tactical nouse and not just being a killing machine.
I also wish Jack was not so stiff in the last few seasons. To be clear, I understand there had to be a transformation and a coldness in his character after Teri died, but it eventually got taken to the extreme IMO. It became too easy for the show to constantly go down the route of someone in jack's life dies/gets hurt, jack gets pissed, jack becomes ever darker.
What do you all think?