is a certain freshman actually 17 now (really minor jp book 7 spoilers)
hi guys, so after one of the more recent jp updates i’ve been seeing a ton of people online say that Ace turned 17 over the course of book 7. am i crazy or does this not make a lot of sense????? for Ace to be 17 during book 7, he would have to have been 17 for 90% of the school year and a whole year older than the other freshman (if you don't also consider Jack to be a year older too). here are some rly messy timelines i made to help me visualize this
like...i get that it’s technically possible for him to be 17 at the end of book 7...i just think it’s a really weird choice for him to be a whole year older than the rest of his classmates???? like. why do that.
not to mention that this isn’t even how it’s handled irl when entering school y'know like...i was 13 on paper when i started high school (in the US, where people start high school at 14), bc the first day of school was in august while my 14th bday was in september...and they didn’t make me wait a year to let me into highschool... i will say idk how it's handled in other countries though
but is it just because a magic artifact is involved with bringing in students at NRC??? do you actually have to have legally turned 16 for it to choose you???? but if you have to be legally 16, admissions letters would've been sent to malleus and lilia when they were squalling infants—so surely it’s about being mentally around the age of 16 right!?!?? wouldn’t ace's mental age be closer to 16 if he was 15 turning 16 in a few weeks rather than if he was 16 turning 17 bc by then wouldn't his mental age basically be 17 already!??!?! THIS IS DRIVING ME NUTS