Lore implications of extremely optimised video game protagonists

We've seen videos of the boys in games like MGS5 and such going "what the hell does that look like in real life" when the overpowered protagonist does something absurdly difficult in slow mo, or when a fighting game character manages to defeat a godlike entity with their bare hands.

I suppose the most consistent example of this is in games where you can lose health. A perfect player can conceivably avoid all damage in gameplay, meaning that the only times that a character is canonically hurt is during cutscenes.

In RPG's, this is taken even a step further for me, cause now the player has direct input into how strong a character can become by endgame, to the point where it makes the rest of the story look absurd because of how easily the protagonist should be able to solve everything.

My favourite example of this is in Fallout New Vegas, where a hyper-optimised Courier is effectively:

A) a freakishly strong and fast brain damaged individual, who despite having no social graces can manipulate anyone into doing what they want with the right words

B) Has absurd medical and scientific ability on par with that of Big MT brains and legitimate scientists

C) is a cyborg with implants from both Vegas and the Big MT, allowing them to potentially live forever too ( kinda like Kellogg in Fallout 4 )

D) Has mastery of every weapon and fighting skill, and can also disappear without a trace and strike from the shadows.

And then, assuming this optimal Courier does every sidequest for an Indepedent Vegas, can rule over Vegas with an army of extremely advanced robots, allies in every town, and a nuked NCR and Legion to ensure that no outside threats can topple them.

What are your favourite examples of player gameplay having awesome or disturbing implications for the world that they're set in