My little sister is pregnant and I’m freaking out

I guess she’s not ‘little’ anymore, she’s 28 (I’m 35f).

She just moved in with me and my husband 3 weeks ago and found out yesterday she’s pregnant from a FWB from before she moved. I’m so damn disappointed (not in her, in the situation).

She moved here to start a new chapter and finally go to school for social work, because she just wants to help people. She’s been dealt one thing after another for years now and now this. (Obviously bad choices have been made over and over again too, it’s not just about luck…)

I’ve always wanted the best for her and because of our shitty childhood I have taken on more of a motherly role to her, so I’m taking this really hard.

I don’t think everyone who reads this is going to understand my feelings, and some will see this as a blessing, but I just can’t see it that way. She doesn’t even have a job or any skills yet. Who will pay for all the baby stuff???

I know I’m projecting because I’ve chosen to be child-free, but we had such a bad childhood, hers worse than mine, I just can’t wrap my head around her possibly choosing to bring life into this mess.

We don’t have the room (or desire!) to have a baby in our house, so where will she live? I don’t think she’s going to think any of this through and she’ll just do nothing until it’s too late. Choice by indecision.

I’m being very supportive and will continue to be no matter what, but the situation is so fucked. She’s barely even lived yet.

Update: we were in urgent care, then a blood lab, then an ultrasound yesterday. I haven’t even mentioned she had surgery 4 months ago for a burst ovarian cyst! So she was experiencing lots of pain and we thought maybe she was miscarrying. She’s not, but there’s a chance it could be ectopic, there are more tests coming.

That being said, we finally spoke, and I essentially just said I think she should have her life together first before bringing life into this world and her response was ‘I know. It just sucks.’ So she does understand the situation and I think we’ll be going to the women’s clinic early next week. She called earlier and our clinic does both pills and surgical abortions.

I know a lot of people think I’m babying her, and you’re not wrong! I’m trying to take a back seat, but our mom was so cruel to her; it still breaks my heart that I had a mother and she didn’t (same woman, still around, but she changed.) so I just want her to feel taken care of and loved everyday.

Thank you for all your kind (and sometimes tough, which I needed) words and advice!!