"The Handmaid's Tale" is the scariest book I've ever read.
I am convinced it's more than a book. It's a warning, and a wake up call to all members of our sex, from a visionary. Reading it made me appreciate how fragile our freedom is, how retractable our rights are, and how venomous dogma can become. If we as women cannot overcome our class and cast consciousness, and unite as women WE ARE DOOMED!!.
And what a time to be reading this novel, especially in the context of everything happening around the world. The rise if fascism is especially dangerous to our sex. We need to wake up to it.
I highly recommend every single women read this book, ASAP. It's not far-fetched, it's a prophecy. It could happen to us, hell it could be happening to us right now and we won't know it until one day, someone gets on TV and in one sweep, "All women are banned from working, holding bank accounts and property", just like that. We need to be more vigilant and safeguard our democracy.