Prepping for Civil War
In my 60+ years I have prepped adequately for hurricanes and other natural disasters, got us through COVID smoothly, etc. Our prez's social media post today has me actually rattled, more so than anything that has happened since January. DH and I live in a smallish senior townhome. Chest freezer stocked as is pantry to a certain extent. Not a lot of room for massive stock. Live in a town of less than 20k, away from metro areas. Most likely scenario due to age and logistics will be to bug in. Have bug-out bag as always; had to bug out in previous natural disaster events.
So how does one prep for a freakin' civil war?
- Food for a good length of time - perhaps a month - check.
- First-aid supplies and meds - check.
- No pets.
- Items for personal defense - check.
- Immunizations up-to-date - check.
- Secured personal info online as best as possible - check.
- In process of setting up secure communication with relatives outside of US.
- Vehicle securely garaged and kept adequately fueled - check.
- Documents up-to-date - check.
- Trying to stay healthy - check.
- Cash on hand - check.
- Back-up lighting sources if power goes out - check.
Plywood for the few windows we have? Wouldn't be able to board from the outside and we don't own our townhome. Could do so from the inside if SHTF. It's a senior community, so not a lot of physical help from good neighbors. Mixed bag of views but close with some of like thinking. Climate is not conducive for a garden and we don't have room for it. Will look into growing some things indoors this Spring.
Seriously, though. If all hell broke loose next week...for the first time in my life I feel at a loss. Not sure what else to / can be done at this point. Not panicked - but I've always been one to be prepared and I feel...rattled right now.
Well, hell, guess I'm just venting and feeling like we're getting closer to a tipping point here. I've been described as a Warrior with a Sarah Connor spirit. Survived cancer x2 and other major health issues. I'm angry and frustrated. I'm past the point in my life of hitting the streets protesting; now my focus is protecting me and mine as best as I can. Thank you for listening.