Is there a link between sleep paralysis and NHI ….. ?

I’m a 44yr old male who has had over 20 sleep paralysis events throughout out my life ,never been a pattern to these events once recently 3 in a month .when I’m in a event it is so terrifying- so real i try to scream out in fear but can’t ….the events end and all is normal like nothing happened and the event is a clear memory the next morning….. I have repeatedly have what I can only describe as if you’d be sat under a waterfall with the violent pressure of the water bearing down on you - sometimes is in one small area or recently my whole body felt like it was being forced down at least half a foot into my mattress while I led on my front … Iv woken to a large hulk of a being stood over me and iv tried to kick and lash out at but couldn’t, Iv woke to the pressure on my front opened my eyes and our bedroom curtains are literally horizontal flailing as if in high winds . A recent event I woke to warm air on the back of my neck ,I thought was because window was open then I realised it was shut and it dawned on me it felt like warm breath to which I spun round to see but my whole body froze up halfway round and I heard voices slightly higher pitch than normal say “hold …subdue..” I went limp and woke like nothing happened.. these events over the last year have been frequent enough for me to actively try and control to some degree the event ,I know as terrifying as it is I know it won’t hurt me so I try to look around and not panic when a event happens - last night I was led on my front and I felt the pressure localised on the base of my neck I open my eyes and to the right hand side of the bed other side of my wife is tall being with a long face and large eyes in some sort of dark robe but the being is distorted in a way .. like a badly focused photo ? I tried to reach out then the event ended.. I I ask you guys if you think there is a link as there seems to be with my experiences and please tell my your experiences so I can read and see any similarities?