Direct contact with UAP is the most defining moment of your life
From that moment on, you live in a different world.
Others might believe your story, but they won't feel it.
Until you experience this for yourself, it's just that, a story.
A fantastical, magnificent, just-believable story.
One that's easy to entertain without fully grasping its implications.
A casual shrug: "Alright, this person clearly experienced something crazy. I'll take their word for it."
But whatever they actually experienced?
You don't know.
And you won't know, until you experience it yourself.
That's how I would have approached these stories if I had never seen it firsthand.
But now? It's no longer just a story.
It's my own personal, directly-experienced experience.
And it changes you.
How could it not?
It's like being touched by God.
Not the God of any religion, something beyond, something undeniable.
Something intelligent that is making its presence known in the skies.
Disguised as regular airplanes at first glance,
but unmistakably not for those who dare to look deeper.
And suddenly, the entire r/UFOs community feels alien.
So many still hunger for proof, waiting for the government, waiting for journalists, waiting to be handed disclosure.
I used to share that hunger.
But now? It feels severely misplaced.
Dangerous, even.
Just another way to bait your attention
away from the actual hotspots,
away from the real experiences,
away from what's already happening right now,
every night, for anyone who cares to look.
Forget the government.
Forget the journalists.
Why aren't they covering the active hotspots?