Teen - No commitments, no experience but looking for oil rig jobs in UK.
A little background:
I'm 19 soon to be 20 later this month. I've been working since I left school at 17, mostly just contract jobs in call centre's and such.
I'm still working at the moment but only 25 hours per week in a mail room, I still live with my parents and have managed to save up around 11k.
I want to take advantage of my situation, no commitments, no out going expenses and a little safety net saved etc. I love the idea of being away from regular life for 2 weeks per month or whatever the shift work is like on an oil rig.
The only problem is I have literally zero experience on what it's like to work on the rigs, what skills you need, what duties are carried out etc, all the jobs I've ever had were computer/office based.
What I do have is an amazing work ethic, no commitments as mentioned previously so I could basically up and leave anywhere even tomorrow to any where in the UK.
I live in Glasgow so I'd preferably rather be based in Scotland but I'm not overly fussed.
What I'm asking is what are my next steps to gain a job or even an apprenticeship off shore ? Is there college courses I would need to take first ? I'm down for whatever.
Thanks for any info guys.
tldr: Would like oil rig job, willing to do anything, money not really an issue, no commitments. How do i go about doing this ?