I have a ridiculous rant to tell

Full timer here. I got pulled over and ticketed in my package car on Friday for speeding. Yes I know I’m not the the first or last person to experience this situation and I know I was in the wrong yea yea yea but I just wanted yall to hear how stupid this guy was.

First off I was on a back country road no one else was traveling on at the time but the sheriffs do speed trap way further down this road. Im talking miles further. This wasn’t a speed trap. This sheriff in particular had just got off the interstate exit and was driving the opposite direction of me. This all happened at the junction where the speed limit immediately changes from 40 to 50, I was doing 55 according to him. There were no other cars around but this idiot flipped his lights on and did a full u turn to get behind a working individual to pull over.

This whole ordeal took 25 mins because he purposely prolonged the situation. I explained to him he was making me late to a medical pickup and I’ll just except whatever tickets. This made him go even slower. Then he started asking me stupid questions like what year is the truck, what building am I out of and write down my supervisors name and number. At that point I told him to eat a d*ck because the tickets were already issued. He continued with more pointless questions which I didn’t answer just like the first 3, until he finally let me leave smh