Headlights on please
Maybe turn on your headlights if you're in a white car when it's early morning and snowing. Got flashed on the highway by a car with skis on top heading to the cottonwoods, they were right behind me and it scared the hell out of me. After they flashed their car completely disappeared again. The flash scared me coming out of nowhere and I hit my brakes, I tried so hard to see the car behind me and couldn't see them I only knew they were there because they flashed. It was actually quite scary.
Once we were through the exit and I could see them the passenger leaned out and flipped me off. I definitely cried in the parking lot of work because I'm already having a bad day, but like put on your headlights. Even if it wasn't snowing it was still dark enough to need them, literally every other car had them on. And it's snowing hard! You're in a white car dude nobody can see you. I don't know what I did to piss these guys off (because they were actually invisible) but it was an accident, and make sure you're not in the wrong before you flip people off that was really rude.