Why aren't you prototying?
(Edit: it's morning. obviously i mean prototyping.)
Lately, i've been speaking to and seeing more design teams who don't seem to be doing much prototyping. When I discuss process it's boiled down to requirement > figma flow > handoff. At best, the level of 'prototyping is done in figma to connect the screens. Inevitably, this leads to a lot of rework when the designs don't work, even for some of the most basic flows. Speaking to a lot of managers as well they seem to struggle to justify the additional cost of advanced protoyping software like Axure or protopie (a lot of the response they get from product is 'i thought figma did that?).
Personally, I consider prototyping to be the essence of design - if you're not prototyping are you even designing? Have I just been speaking to a small skewed section of the industry or is this the case elsewhere?