1 Ubiquiti UniFi Switch Ultra 60W or 2 Ubiquiti UniFi Switch Lite 8 PoE?


I recently bought 1 U6 Long range AP and 1 Ubiquiti UniFi Switch Lite 8 PoE. My hope was that should be enough for my 145 m2 house (2 floors). Looks like I need another U6 Long range on the top floor. My question: My thought was to buy the Ubiquiti UniFi Switch Ultra 60W in order to run both AP:s. But I have also read comments that the Ultra is actually (a part from supplying the power I need) worse "technological" compared* to Lite 8 PoE.

Is this true and are those differences important (In my eyes they are "only" switches" and I more rely in the functionality to be in the Cloud Gateway etc. And if Ultra is no good, is there any problems serial connecting the 2 Lite 8 PoE (one for each AP). Maybe I can use some of the Layer 2 features in the Gateway instead of in the Lite 8? Not sure how to proceed here?

Many thanks!

Lite 8 PoE - Layer 2 features Ultra 60w - Layer 2 features
IGMP snoopingSTP / RSTP with priorities and port-level disablePort isolationStorm controlVoice VLANPort mirroringLACP port aggregationMulticast / broadcast rate limitingMAC address blockingFlow control802.1X controlJumbo framesProprietary loop protectionDHCP snooping / guardingEgress rate limitLLDP-MEDPort restricted by MACDevice isolation with ACLs STP / RSTP with priorities and port-level disablePort isolationStorm controlPort mirroringMulticast / broadcast rate limitingFlow controlJumbo framesEgress rate limit