I'm an idiot, I missed 3 little letters.

So I have been buying parts over a period of time to set up my home network. After using Unifi at work for a while, I wanted to transition to their products at home. Now that the weather is getting warmer, I'm getting ready to wire up my house. I decided to configure all my Unifi equipment so that once everything is wired, I'd be ready to go.

Here's where I'm dumb, I missed 3 letters on the product that I bought in December and it's now outside the return window. I bought what I thought was a 24 pro max poe switch, but I missed those 3 letters at the end. So now I have a sweet switch that's missing the vital poe that I wanted and I'll need to drop $700+ to get what I need. I also have a sweet $400+ switch that I didn't need.

Has anyone else ever been as dumb as me? Am I alone on idiot island?

Thanks for reading my pointless post that was done out of exasperation.

Edit: this post gained way more engagement that I expected, glad to hear I'm not alone. I decided to reach out to Uniquiti to see if they'd take pity on me and maybe issue a store credit (minus shipping/restocking) based off a few replies. I received a response and got the boiler plate: it's past the standard return window. No biggie, they didn't screw me, it was my mistake. I did suggest a better naming scheme might help as I'm not the only one who's done this. I don't expect a change, as it's user error.