Colonoscopy in two days, can someone reassure me lol

Hey guys, I’ve had this disease since September 2022 and I’m undergoing my first scope since then. I take mesalamine and an enema to keep things under control. My GI is finally getting me under a scope on Wednesday and my anxiety is through the roof about everything.

Will the prep put me in a flare? I had C-diff earlier this year but a round of Vanco took care of it. No change in medication afterwards.

I’m just really worried of being put in a flare.. I’ve been doing mostly ok since the C-diff. Going once a day with good formed stools (depending on what I eat) no mucus or blood that I can see. Just need some reassurance please. I’m driving myself crazy with the what ifs.

Edit: just want to say thank you ALL so much for your posts. Everyone. Seriously. You guys did great helping me calm down. I’ll update this post once I’m finished with everything, but as of the morning of my prep day my anxiety is a lot better.