Been about 3 years, thought I’d update since my J-Pouch surgery.

3 years and looks like I need to have the permanent ileostomy surgery.

Last year around this time my inflammation came back so hard it knocked me in my ass. Had a temporary ileostomy done December 18th 2020. After some time and new medication the inflammation went away and my gastro said If I want to Im good to go to have a reversal done. Fast forward to 4 weeks post surgery in September and boom inflammation is back. Had to go to step one of diagnosis all over again to figure out if anything was missed or what exactly is causing the inflammation. Long story and many hour and a half car rides to my doctor later I’m scheduled to have a permanent ileostomy done December 17th.

I feel very defeated tbh but I’m very much looking forward to relief. I’ve been on medical leave from work since August 24th and pretty much having to take hydrocodone twice a day to barely function. Too much bed rest sucks.

Anyways just wanted to update. I had a solid three years of a working JPouch then my body decided to turn on me, again. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Btw wrote this on mobile so sorry if formatting is weird.