Cases where you believe in an outlandish or an unpopular theory on what happened?

My yesterday’s thread on the cases for which you cannot begin to make theories on sparked some truly interesting discussion, so I thought why not do it (kinda) in reverse.

What’s the mystery (of any kind—not just murders and disappearances) where you have a very firm yet an outlandish theory on what happened? You know, a theory that people usually don’t bring up or strongly disagree with, but which makes the most sense to you? A theory that’s your hill to die on, so to speak?

I don’t precisely mean “outlandish” as in “aliens took em” but more like “I know everyone believes this is impossible or very unlikely and I’ll tell you exactly why I think it makes the most sense.”

My outlandish (or just not really popular) theory that I haven’t changed my mind on in years concerns Asha Degree.

I strongly believe her night trip had nothing to do with grooming. All it concerned was Asha being… a kid.

I think, her going out in the night was supposed to be a proof to herself that she’s a big, brave girl. As far as we know, she was a well-behaved kid with strict parents who, as many kids, harbored some fears (one of them being a fear of storms).

I also know for a fact, more than one kid (me included) did stuff just to prove we can. In retrospect, as adults, we can tell some of those things were… dangerous, to put it lightly, but at the time, our goal overshadowed the real danger.

In Asha’s case, I believe she might have wanted to take something akin to an overnight camping trip to prove to herself she could handle both the darkness and the storm. Like a grown-up.

However, as a kid, she didn’t comprehend the actual danger lays not in the night nor the bad weather, but in predators just waiting for an occasion like this.

I do believe she did, eventually, had a run in with a predator. I just don’t think a predator is what made her leave her house that night.

So, what’s your outlandish theory?


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