I need advice on whether a Pontiac Grand Am would be worth it

I’ve been looking into buying a used car recently and I had always wanted this car. One of my family members had one and I just loved it (though I was just a kid).

My question though is would it even be worth it to get one now? It’s 2023 and the last model year was 2005. Does anyone have enough experience to know if the average repair/ maintenance cost would be worth it? Or if I got it repaired, if it will last? Or even if it has good reliability? I can’t find much information on this particular car, everything I see is on the Grand Prix or G6.

I don’t want to buy one and then have to get a new car too quickly. This will need to commute to work, groceries, and leisure in a high temperature state. Im asking this before I even go to look for one so I don’t have info on mileage, owners, or maintenance. It’s all just based on the age and that particular car/brand and whether I should try for one. Am I just absolutely best to stick to my other choice of a Toyota?

TL;DR: need information on whether it would be worth it to buy a Pontiac Grand Prix or if I should stick to a Toyota.