Hot take, proper duelist actually resembles what tank does for the team in hero shooters

If you think duelist u immediately think dps, but i heard lots of people say and advice “duelist role is to entry and make space for the team”

If you think tank u think bulky and team protecting but i heard people advice yet again “tank role it to take space for the team to push”

Yes duelist has a capability that allows them tk take duels better, such as DPS but their TEAM ROLE is more resembling a tank in a typical hero shooter. Tbh i will be fine if u say its a mid between both

Innitiator and controller are more similar to support but i dont get a link quite yet so if you have some random ideas go on.

For bitter people who need to point sth out every time I KNOW that tank support dps dont work for valorant and the roles are completely different for a reason I JUST FIND IT FUN TO MAKE A CONNECTION, DONT LOOK TOO DEEP INTO IT, the guns are all roles available so damage is completely irrelevant so no dps, healing isnt as needed due to quickness of duels and deaths so not real support. Innitiator is closest to it with their more duelist helping kit but its still far from basic support. And HP is all the same through characters so no “tanks”