Can you PC players give a poor console player some tips at the game?
I've been playing on and off ever since console beta came out and I've gone from silver to low plat since, but right now I'm stagnant at gold, Is there any things I can or should be doing to help improve my gameplay right now?
In terms of aim, I usually do a deathmatch or two before ranked, sometimes 5 minutes of aimlabs tops (Console aimlabs sucks so its rare that I do). I'm trying not to blame teammates and just want to see what I can do, So what to do on the roles, tips against certain annoying comps/teammates and really any gamesense tips I can try incorperate into my games quickly
In short: does anyone have any tips I can quickly apply to my games? It'd be much appreciated kthx.
Heres my most recent "clip" for reference.