Tips for SSI Van Life?

I'm currently in the process of applying for SSI/disability and I'm wondering about how to go about transitioning to full-time van life. I want to move out of my parents' house but I know living in a house or apartment isn't right for me on my own and I definitely can't afford it. I've been learning about living in vans and RVs and it really feels right for me from where I am now in my life, though it will surely be awhile before I actually have any sort of resources to get a vehicle purchased let alone move into it.

I'm already learning about the mess of obtaining a vehicle while applying for/on disability, and I want to make sure not to do anything illegal. Anybody else living in a vehicle and on disability or knowledgeable about this, tips and info are much appreciated! I have a couple specific questions, but otherwise literally any tips help.

  1. Is there a rule on what kind of vehicle you can get/own?

  2. What's different about vanlife if you're on disability? What do I need to know before making decisions?

  3. What's the best thing to tell them if I do live in a van?

Thank you so much!