Seriously people need to stop with this
Ok so I know I made a post a bit ago but I just saw something that honestly just made me mad cuz I'm sick of hearing people say it. People always say that you need to love yourself first before you can date or love someone else, alright bro, sincerely fuck off and stfu. I dated my ex for 4 years and I hated myself for that whole time, not because of her just personal issues, but that never EVER stopped me from showing her love and constantly reminding her that she is loved, she suffered from depression too. So no you don't need to love yourself first to date someone, that's some bullshit. Sometimes there's stuff that needs to be worked on yourself yes but a lot of people really just make it sound like if you're mentally ill then you shouldn't date anyone because you're not capable of giving them proper love. People are there to help you, your partner will help you and make it easier to deal with the pain. Obviously it will be easier if you got someone there for you then to deal with the pain all alone for years and never have anyone to talk to. You know what I think I'm starting to just talk out of my own mind now and what I think personally but my god did I get heated up talking about this, it's just makes me feel like people would say I'm not ready to date since I gotta work on myself. You don't fucking know me alright I'm tired of everyone always not giving me a chance and not caring about actually getting to know me. I take time to warm up to people and be comfortable talking to them in a more open way ok I'm sorry if I can't just show you my real personality right out the box ok for fucks sake no one has any patience nowadays it's fucking insane.