My mom is talking about putting cameras up outside!!!

As the title says, my mom is talking about putting cameras up outside!!! This is not good for me because it will mean I won't be able to talk on the phone anymore when I'm home alone and I'll never lose my virginity because I won't be able to invite anyone over when I'm home alone (I'm not talking about inviting strangers over so don't lecture me; I'm talking about people I know irl). I also had a necklace I wanted to mail a Facebook friend (I wasn't gonna put my full address on the envelope, just first and middle name and town and state, so don't lecture me about that either). I was waiting until my parents left out of state for a few hours so I can mail the necklace but that doesn't happen often and the last times they did go was on a Sunday and mail carriers don't work on Sundays (at least not in my state).

But for context, I'm a disabled adult with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and I'm very sheltered. I already barely have privacy when my parents are here which is why I don't talk on the phone unless they're gone somewhere. My mom tells me who I can and can't talk to – usually for superficial or petty reasons like just not liking somebody for a stupid/non-valid reason or being judgy about a person's clothing style or sexuality, etc). My mom doesn't allow me to date or have sex. I don't want to be a virgin for the rest of my life but she wants me to keep me as some pure innocent naive "child" in an adult's body (wtf). I also want to have kids before I'm too old (my biological clock is ticking, never thought I'd say that) and I don't want to regret not having kids (and therefore miss out on being a grandma and great-grandma) when I'm 80 (if I live that long) just because my mom wouldn't let me have sex or date just because she wanted to keep as a "forever child" and because I couldn't invite someone over and have sex behind her back because of a camera.

I don't know if I can just move out because of my disability. This is gonna feel even more like a prison if she puts cameras up. Like I'm being watched.

I am not a child. I am an adult. I should have a boyfriend and be able to hang out with friends. But she won't even let me date even if I was to date a disabled or neurodivergent guy because she thinks disabled adults dating is "inappropriate" because she sees disabled adults as kids or "youngins".

But hell, even 13 and 14 year olds have boyfriends and girlfriends. If that's not inappropriate, then it isn't inappropriate for disabled/neurodivergent adults to date other disabled/neurodivergent adults.

She even had the audacity to tell me that teenagers have more rights than disabled adults. Like wtf. Teenagers are literal minors, literal kids. How do they have more rights than a literal adult, just because said adult has a mental disability or is neurodivergent? Wtf.