Friends keep flirting with my boyfriend and he won't let me help him
I (24m) Just got done having a big fight with my boyfriend (21m) for context he's a hardcore femboy, taking estrogen and all that cool stuff. Which honestly at some point feels like i'd have to call him my girlfriend instead lol. I just go by he pronouns for him for now cuz he doesnt care if people treat him by he or she.
For more context, we started dating beginning of December last year, we're online dating and haven't met up in person yet but we know what both of us look like.
So ever since the beginning ive known that people flirt with him a lot of online since he's really pretty and has a tiktok account where he posts femboy content, nothing sexual or anything just more casual stuff, but still there's a lot of people who flirt since the whole femboy thing is still very sexualized.
Ive learnt to deal with this and its whatever, however the problem started when he'd tell me that the friends he makes online are always flirting with him and a lot of the time still do even tho he mentions he has a boyfriend. I have stated before that id help him out with that and talk to those people but he has denied and said its fine and doesnt want me to have to deal with that and he'll just deal with it himself, alright then i thought at the time.
So time has went by and I've never been in contact with any of the friends he's made in this time and recently that has started to bug me specially since i dont have any friends of my own and only have him to talk to so today I told him i'd like to meet his friends and he brushed it off saying that "oh ive been thinking about stopping talking to them honestly cuz they flirt a lot" and im like alright thats fine and then i asked what about this other friend he's mentioned before that he has stated to be pretty nice and even helped him out in january when me and him had a fight and saying he owes him or whatever. Which just this might be a red flag for some people but honestly i tried not too think much of it at the time, I just tried thinking ok yeah at the time we had a fight and my bf went to a friend for a little comfort/distraction.
Although after i mentioned him, he said that he has been feeling off about him too cuz he's been kinda flirting recently too so im like well shit alright guess thats it then im not meeting anyone cuz youre not thinking about speaking with them for long.
Day went by and we were on call and out of nowhere he tells me he has to leave the call to go comfort a friend that just had a break up, and im like oohh.. ok well good luck i guess.
A few hours went by and eventually completely out of nowhere my bf messages me telling me that that friend is thinking about flying over to visit him and that he's fine with it cuz he wants to be there to comfort him and this is where i start to just be like uumm.. excuse me?
Then I go on a whole rant about how first he didnt seem to want me talking to him cuz of the whole flirty thing and now it's ok for this friend that, btw I know nothing about and ive never talked to him. All I know is he just broke up with his partner and that he lives in Mexico and my bf lives in the UK so yeah COMPLETE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD BTW MEANING A VERY EXPENSIVE TRIP. Not only that but apparently he was willing to waste half his money to go fly over to my bf.
Now tell me people, isn't this fucking crazy? There's no way im in the wrong here right? My bf has only known this guy since around december or january and is ok with him flying all the way over from mexico to spend some time with him and also how im pretty sure he'd be staying at my bf's house which is his parents house where he has no other place for people to sleep than his own small bed which btw has had a friend sleep there before and complained how cramped it was. Please tell me im justified in feeling completely not ok with this at all.
I keep telling him if they struggle so much with telling people not to flirt then to let me HELP and be there with him but he keeps saying he doesnt want that because he doesnt want me dealing with that and that he can handle it by himself or wants to figure how to handle it by himself. I have literally been begging for him to let me help him deal with his friends and this whole flirty problem but he wont let me.
Now I told him that im done arguing and for him to message me tomorrow with a clearer mind after sleep so that he can hopefully realize how all of this is absolutely ridiculous and now he's blaming me for not being there for him to help him calm down. Wtf am I supposed to do what does he want from me? I told him how im just not ok with any of this at all and he wants me to ignore it all and just be there to comfort him?? What am I some kind of stress relief boyfriend??