Currently fighting tiktok for money while I wonder if I can pay for my epilepsy meds.
I just found out I have thousands of dollars owed to me by tiktok and I have proof
Super weird, but my life is weird. My life has taken a crazy turn in the last week and I found out tiktok owes me a life-changing amount of money. I was unaware i had earned this money until their accounting told on them and they sent me itemized hard-copy 1099-misc forms last week and I had to go down a rabbit hole. This money comes from an account they inexplicably shut down without recourse a while back. I never knew I was earning on that account and never withdrew the cash.
This is where it gets even more odd. My first account, which was banned without reason was restored (after a couple of years) the day my popular one was banned and had 0 followers.
I've put in several help tickets through the app and have sent several emails. I've only gotten ai answers from the app. I'm getting some contacting email starting yesterday afternoon, only during working hours, and only human answers 1/3 times every 3-4 hours.
This has me both excited and anxiety-ridden. I'm disabled, but not "disabled enough," if you know what I mean. I'm only 43 and they think I'm able-bodied, so i have to continue to try to work, all while managing whatever fresh hell my body decides to throw at me daily. My house is bought and paid for, luckily. I still have monthly bills though. I had major surgery in April and fell behind. I keep inching by. This money would be such a relief, plus I could buy braces and other items that could help my joint problems. I also have a friend with a bad roof. I could make her life less stressful.
It's just, so so much.