I'm frustrated more than ever
My mother nor father gets it, they don't fucking understand anything I say. I have two younger siblings, and they get away with everything and anything possible.
Earlier today I was doing my chores, putting clothing away, unloading and loading our dishwasher and feeding my cat and dog. Nothing happened, I was left alone until I went into my shared bedroom to put my clothes away.
I "share" a room with my younger sister, (she's 10). Now I mean "share" because I only get dressed in there occasionally. I don't sleep in there at all, I don't even have a bed in there for me. I sleep out in the living room or inside of our RV, sometimes at a friend's house.
She came in, started yelling at me to get out of the bedroom, hitting my back and digging her nails into me. I was screaming at her, telling her to stop and get off, then our mom came in and lectured me. Not her, but me for yelling and being 'rude' towards my sister who clearly 'just wanted to spend time with me'. I tried complaining to my dad and he scoffed, he got irritated and told me that I should just start spending time with my siblings.
Here's the thing though, I'm 16 with a job, a lot of school work (I don't get weekends off because I do online schooling) and I do almost every single household chore while my siblings only take out the trash or replace the toilet paper in the bathroom. They are old enough to do more, but they're really spoiled and will get angry at any chance or for unpredictable reasoning.
My younger siblings get way more than I ever do, I maybe get a new pair of socks every Christmas. Other than that, I buy practically anything I need. New shirts, pants or a small snack (That I have to hide because my siblings will fucking steal and eat it).
I can't fucking wait until I'm 18 and can move out.