Parents don't deserve good kids.
I wasn't a picky eater so I always got the worst part of food or was forced to switch my food with my siblings who suddenly regretted ordering that food.
I got A+ all the time so I was always left to study on my own while they helped my siblings.
I never asked for money so I got less than everyone because "They really need it and you don't"
I never complained so I never got anything.
"Just take the hotter bedroom, your brother is more sensitive to heat" no he isn't, he just whines more.
"We can't afford 2 phones, your sister needs it more" no she doesn't, she just cries harder.
"Let your sister have all the fries, she only likes fries and won't eat anything else" How is that my problem? Do you know who else really likes fries?
"We have a limited budget for clothes and your brother will get bullied if he goes to school with old clothes" Do you know who else can get bullied for that and not even make a sound?
I'm so full of resentment. When they say "when you have kids..." and I finish the sentence with "you'll never meet them" they laugh, we all laugh, but I'm not joking.