Sooo... I have this weird theory about mannequins.

This theory come to my mind lately: what if those mannequins is somehow related to a people that works here before? I mean... who tf would keep mannequins at the radio observatory? Why? For what purpose?

I started to count them. There are exactly 13 mannequins at the base + we have a dude that hung himself from the radio tower... 14 in total near base.

And i idk if you notice or not - almost all of them looks like they hiding from something. They stand at the corners, behind doors and obstacles, lying in trash etc. Yes, I know I may be exaggerating, but still...

Then i count all the lockers at first floor - it is 15. Perfect hiding spot - 14 for mannequins and 1 for dr.Kel.

So, i basically toss all the mannequins into lockers and hide in one of them myself.

Then... for a couple of seconds - nothing happened. I decide to go out, and then... Something bright appeared outside, and when locker door is opened - game crashed with a screen glitch (as you can see at the last screen).

  1. Can anyone recreate this experiment? Because when i restart the game - nothing happened again.

  2. Wanna to discuss this theory with you guys. I did not find similar theories on this subreddit. Perhaps the souls of previous workers are hidden in the mannequins? Just check out the note on tr1, which says that before Kel got here, they had a bunch of people working at the station, and each generator had its own supervisor. It's very strange that Dr. Kel is the only one who oversees such a huge complex.