Acceleration issues or just paranoia?
Hi all, owner of a 2017 v90 d5 here with about 190k km, i'm not sure if it's me being a bit paranoid, or if i just more recently started pushing the car more, but lately I've been feeling that if I put my foot down to do an overtake or something similar, when the engine is at around 2.2, 2.5 and 3.5k it has a decent acceleration and torque feeling, but over that it just feels like it's kind of a dead spot (and also seems to take significantly longer from let's say 2.5 to 3.5 then from 3.5 to 4.5k revs). I found another thread here about the same engine, but that one was complaining about low acceleration at low revs, and that doesn't seem to be the same issue. Could the famous PowerPulse hose issue also be what's causing what i'm feeling? Since it's pre-spooling the turbo i'd imagine it'd be more noticeable at low revs... Anyone have any ideas?