So i was thinking about how would the devs be adding Garuda lore
Her past : Garuda was girl from a Royal family, Normally she didn't get enough attention or love because of her parent always busy (simple but could lead to alot, also would explain her framing as a Queen of blood) As a protoframe 1: garuda is a new antagonist who seek revenge against who turned her into a blood lust monster , destroying anyone in her path 2 : garuda join the drifter against a Common enemy but she still despise everything but herself 3 : garuda is friendly now ,regretting her deeds and what she has committed against people and against herself( i wish we can date her)
After she got turned into a Warframe 1 : garuda once was a royal guardian or a figure (would make sense that she has uncontrollable blood lust that made her kill orokin to to satisfy herself and would explain her immortality maybe?) but now she's a mere monster that feeds on the flesh and blood of her enemies 2 : garuda still filled with hatred towards who made her into what she is, but now she knows who her true enemy is (the orokin before and now the corpus) 3 :garuda is framed to be a goddess among the people they offer her gifts , sacrifice blood and do blood Rituals to not anger her
Tell me guys what you think and feel free to add whatever you want and if you guys want me to make some other Warframes lore suggestions like this?