In your opinion, which Warframe is the most perfect in its current state? Subsumes and augments included.

For me personally, I would have to say Nova Prime. She is the most “Warframe” feeling frame to me and her kit is just…. Incredible. She was already good before, but her recent light rework sent her into the stratosphere. She can do it all. She can CC, mini nuke, tank, and provide health/energy to herself and her team. Whenever I consider using another frame, I look to my Nova and wonder, why would I? She was my first prime warframe and has been my top used for 10 years in a row. I’m using Neutron Star and Molecular Fission, and subsumed Nourish into her Wormhole. I prefer to make her a health tank bc of toxin eximus, but outside of level cap which I don’t do, I can take her anywhere and she succeeds. I love her.