Techrot Encore: Hotfix 38.5.1



  • Increased maximum Loadout slots by 1.
    • This increase was missed for the launch of Temple, as the maximum Loadout Slot is increased alongside each new Warframe release.
  • Downed Technocyte Coda will now have an invulnerable health bar to make it clear if they are downed or not in the Final Showdown.
  • Temple's Pyrotechnics now also targets nearby enemies instead of only enemies around your reticle.
  • Updated Temple's Ripper Wail ability description to clarify that extra heat damage is only applied when enemies are hit on the Backbeat.
    • Now reads: Ally's weapons in Affinity Range are lit-up with extra Heat Damage each time an ability is used on the Backbeat and successfully hits enemies.
  • Updated Parazon pop-up to clarify that Potency Mods can only be placed in the top row.
  • Made adjustments to Velimir's idle animation.

Top Fixes:

  • Fixed returning to Höllvania Central Mall after completing an Antivirus Bounty Mission resulting in a "zombie" Antivirus Bounty mission being available. Attempting to play this Bounty would cause players to crash.
  • Fixed boosters applying to Beating Heartstrings rewards at the end of Stage Defense rotations.
  • Fixed Optimism, Old Pizza, and It Sees You Peely Pix not granting Pix Chips on Round completion in Temporal Archimedea.
  • Fixed incorrect drop rates for Potency Mods.
  • Fixed receiving only duplicate stickers from Peely Paks earned from Temporal Archimedea Reward Pools.
  • Fixed a script error resulting in crashes or loss of function when changing values on a slider if the Numerical Separator setting is not set to "1,000.00".
    • This addresses issues with the Stardust Signa and Sigils, for example.
  • Fixed missing Legendary Rank 5 Slate.
    • Players who attained Legendary Rank 5 between Techrot Encore's launch and this hotfix will receive their Slate via a script in a future hotfix.
  • Fixed rare cases of certain player accounts being unable to login.
    • This was patched live at around 12:30pm ET today, but we're calling out in patch notes in case you were affected and haven't tried logging in since!

Offset & Cosmetic Fixes:

  • Fixed Lycanblight Shoulder Armor causing Aoi, Arthur, and Flare Gemini Skins to have bad hair days.
  • Fixed various offset issues with the Jagger Bolt Shoulder Armor.
  • Fixes towards offset issues with the Chymerist Drifter Suit.
  • Fixed permanent yellow tint on the Energy channel of the Stormfall Operator/Drifter Suit.
  • Fixed missing cyst offset for Temple.
  • Fixed various offset issues for the Gyre Vortengeist Skin.
  • Fixed various Emblem offset issues on Temple.
  • Fixed various offset issues on the Minerva and Velimir Gemini skins.
  • Fixed an issue with Temple where certain Gemini-specific tints might stick when swapping back and forth between their Gemini and default skin.
  • Fixed incorrect tints on Rusalka's Braid in the Scaldra Lookie market diorama.


  • Fixed the Repeat Mission button not working for missions in Höllvania.
  • Fixed PHs appearing in "Kill Enemies with Finishers" Bounty Condition, Antivirus Mod Drop locations in the Codex, Swap Sticker option in Peely Pix Displays, the on-hover Höllars description the Pause Menu, and the "Hide Equipped" setting in the Trading Menu.
  • Fixed text string appearing when attempting to equip Arcanes on an Exalted Weapon that you don't have applicable Arcanes for.
  • Fixed Hell-Scrubber mission in Temporal Archimedea incorrectly listing Scaldra as the faction in the on-hover mission pop-up.
  • Fixed Scaldra Harbinger weapon not appearing as a missile launcher if it spawned with one due to the Balloon-Fest Risk Variation in Temporal Archimedea.
  • Fixed Stage Defense mission in Temporal Archimedea being in Winter instead of Spring.
  • Fixed broken HUD after a certain fight in The Hex Quest.
  • Fixed moving Ludoplex decoration resulting in players being unable to interact with it until they move it again.
  • Fixed cases of Technocyte Coda introduction transmissions blocking HUD elements.
  • Fixed various missing on-hover tooltips in the Technocyte Coda menu.
  • Fixed orb left by Wisp's Cataclysmic Gate Augment not dissolving properly once the effect ends.
  • Fixed "Installed Mod exceeds capacity" pop-up appearing for Exalted Melee Weapons when upgrading a Mod in the Mod Menu when it reduces the total capacity below 10 (instead of actually exceeding it).
  • Fixed Antivirus Mod bundle having the wrong icon for ByteRyte Mod.
  • Fixed a crash in Hell-Scrubber Temporal Archimedea missions.
  • Fixed a crash after a significant time idling in The Round Table section of Höllvania Central Mall.
  • Fixed a Script Error caused by Atlas' Landslide if two Altases are present.
  • Fixed a script error caused by Zeke's tendrils.
  • Fixed a script error when stabbing an Adversary.
  • Fixed a crash related to the "It Sees You" Peely Pix if applied to a Temporal Archimedea mission.
  • Fixed a script error caused by Baruuk's Serene Storm.
  • Fixed a script error related to the new Quick Select mod selector tool.
  • Fixed a script error in Faceoff missions.
  • Fixed a script error in the Technocyte Coda Showdown mission.

Missed Notes from 38.5:

  • Fixed offset issues with the Nimandi Prime on Loki.
  • Fixed Arca Plasmor projectiles bouncing off of Frost's Snowglobes when multiple are stacked on top of one another.
  • Fixed Tromyzon Entroplasma's description having the wrong fishing location listed. Now correctly states that they are found in Orb Vallis Hotposts during Cold weather.
  • Fixed Void Angel attacks and portals pulling Inaros out of his Passive and causing loss of function.
  • Fixed Elemental Augment Mods (ex: Shock Trooper) not boosting Status Effect damage.

For list of known issues for Techrot Encore that require future code changes and cannot be addressed in a Hotfix, visit our dedicated thread:

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