Can you guys please just try your Coda liches? your mods don't matter, you're holding up the line

They DONT level up, they DONT get harder, and there is NO DOWNSIDES to using your parazon on them. Even with the wrong antivirus mod.

If someone is waiting for their lich to show up in a mission and your teammates blitz yours down and you let them regenerate 3 times in a row without so much as pressing the action button, stop. Just go up to it and press the button when its down so we can all get a chance to get at our lich. the missions move really fast and that could potentially be enough time you're hogging for 2 more liches to show up during an exterminate where players tend to wipe up the map, there are missions where people have had a 100% rate for theirs to show up, and they don't end up seeing it because these people are just staring at their lich like its speaking the language of the void itself.

Edit: yes yes I know "do it solo do it solo do it s-" trust me I know.