My collection of little men

I wasn't going to share this originally but I'm actually really proud of everything here...10,260 points of various Marines😅

My Sandstone Thousand Sons who are going to be rehomed fairly soon (I believe 2,066 points)

My Doom themed Iron Warriors, which helped me through a real rough patch (6,040 points)

And my Deathwatch, which have been fun to help me learn more about the thousands of Space Marine chapters (should be 2,154 points)

I know next to none of these are painted, hell there's a few that I haven't actually finished building, but I put this out yesterday to take stock and was so unbelievably thrilled with how much I've done. There's a lot here that aren't competition legal but who cares? They have just been built for me, and I continue to love this hobby such an unbelievable amount!

Thank you to everyone who has ever answered a question, given advice, shared their opinion or educated me on this journey. It's far from over! But a nice place to reflect I think!