How to deal with what feels like an unwinnable game?

Hey all, I'm a World Eaters and Admech player. Despite my armies being about a 55% winrate each (for Admech it's only one detachment, but still!), I keep encountering games that feel unwinnable.

I played a game as World Eaters recently against Dark Angels with Gladius Task Force. Immediately, I ran into an issue. His Deathwing Knights take my entire army to kill. Even worse, they easily kill Angron if it comes to that. He had a CP generator, so he could heroic intervention his Deathwings at any time, one of his units had Fights First making my charge useless, and his Gladiator Lancers were a significant threat to Angron. To top it off, I charged 10 berzerkers with Kharn into a unit of Hellblasters, and they just failed to kill the unit.

I spend a lot of time building my lists, so having my list countered so hard really made me feel awful. But the thing is, World Eatera do have a high tournament winrate, so I feel like there has to be a solution.

How am I supposed to deal with polarizing matchups like this?


  • 1x1 Angron

  • 1x1 Kharn The Betrayer

  • 1x1 Lord Invocatus

  • 1x1 Lord on Jugg

  • 1x1 Master of Executions w/ Berzerker Glaive

  • 1x10 Jakhals

  • 2x10 Khorne Berzerkers

  • 3x3 Exalted Eightbound

  • 2x1 World Eaters Rhinos