Please do something

CAS has become a nightmare for me, I have started to seriously HATE the air player base so much because I have observed that these people are the majority of War Thunder players now, they ruin my fun at the most critical moments and leave me desperate behind my screen, I started looking for ways to do the same with them and I discovered that I have better chances of shooting down a Rafael or EF2000 with ka52 9M39 missiles just by camping and waiting for them to cross by then spam shooting missiles at them, this is much more effective than Pantsir, like bro for god sake someone has to do something, I am pretty sure there are people like me who are also suffering but they don't get any attention or are completely ignored because as I mentioned before the majority of the player base are air RB players, why would you care about someone who wants an equal chance against your Rafael? They want to keep this comedy going for as long as possible to have fun at our expense, this is absurd