BO6 Guns are SOO boring to use
The BO6 guys feel so lifeless and boring. It makes each game so repetitive.
For long-range, the recoil patterns are strange, with many guns having zig-zag patterns. They also all feel very clunky. The Cypher is basically the only good gun you can use right now because all the other guns are either too weak or have insane recoil.
For close-range, due to the limited attachments and capabilities, you can only set them up in a few ways. Previously, you could build for movement, strafing, long-range recoil control, etc., and deal with the negatives that came with it. However, now with only a few attachments and no drawbacks, everyone ends up running the same builds.
I don’t understand why they updated from MW3 Warzone. The firing aim stability, recoil patterns, movement, and overall feel of the guns were so clean. Sure, some guns were a bit too easy to use (like the DG-58 LSW meta or the DTIR meta), but overall, I enjoyed it much more. I know it isn't too big of a concern considering how bad of a state the game is in, but was just curious if anyone thought the same.