I’m begging every podcaster to just like…think about their decisions

I know this isn’t the place specifically for it, but I’ve recommended Podcast About List on this sub a few times, so i think it’s relevant.

Their latest episode, they decided to call a bunch of charities and tell them they were going to donate $9m before dropping the “punchline” that their fans don’t want them to. It’s just painful to listen to the ep.

Like, for the fucking love of god, just think about what you’re doing before recording.

Edited to add: Some PAL fans are saying “oH nO YoU WaStEd a MiNuTe oF tHiS PeRsOn’s LiFe,” which completely obscures the point that the guys essentially offer financial security for a whole year to these people only to snatch it away a minute later. Prank calls are never super funny, but giving a nonprofit org trying to help people a little ray of hope and then smothering it is disgusting.