Husband just trashed the kitchen

final update.

I really want to delete my post but so many were so kind with your time to respond. I went to our counseller who had met him and I seperately and together in the past. Her experience was that it potentially was an asd meltdown and it was not worth it to throw away nearly two decades together. I agree with her opinions. Working through it , I cant control him but I can respond my reactions and words. it has been a good week.


Its husband was sitting down whilst I was doing laundry and asked him to sort socks. He has helped before...somebody picks a colour and you go from there. He had only been looking for his socks this time...he has a habit of picking out his laundry from the basket and only doing I was saying can we just sort all the socks and that I have noticed he does only his laundry. He kicks the table...nearly falls over...throws a chair kicks another table with loads of bottles on it...throws the bin. Runs upstairs. My heart is pounding and I couldnt get to record it all. I was scared. He runs around upstairs...comes down again I called him a psycho and he drives off somewhere. Like with your issues. But as a mum of two...what does this mean for us? We had an issue before christmas with him getting angry at one of the children for not wanting to go to church one day. I dont go, so I dont mind her not going as she had gone already that morning. I was furious at him for getting angry at her. What do I do cos I cant really think straight.

Update. He is gone somewhere for now. I am so thankful for all the comments but I need to do some kids stuff now for the evening. I have read them all and liked all your comments. So sorry so many of you have gone through same and worse.

Next day update as two people asked to keep them posted. I have booked a counselling session for this week to navigate whatever that next step may be. Which would be moving and planning a gentle way to tell our kids, if he doesnt admit to something seriously out of the normal.