Complete Pocket Guide to Locating Gwent Cards - Get that Collect 'Em All trophy

I had to visit several sites and forums to find solutions for a couple of bugs and locations of difficult cards to find. I decided to create this small but concise guide with all the information regarding the base game gwent cards and the Collect 'Em All achievement.

Here is the content from A Miraculous Guide To Gwent:



The Skellige Isles: 28

White Orchard: 7

Royal Palace in Vizima: 1

Kaer Morhen: 1

Number of new cards which may still be won from players of no particular renown or skill:: 47


  • Region Cards are cards you buy from innkeeps or obtain as rewards from quests.
  • "Cards which may still be won from players of no particular renown or skill" are cards won by challenging NPCs. Innkeeps, merchants, alchemists, blacksmiths, armorers, person in distress.

Cards by Location

White Orchard

  1. The first player is at one of the tables at the Inn.
  2. Elsa the innkeeper sells cards.
  3. The merchant you saved from the griffin sells cards.


Around Crow’s Perch:

  1. The blacksmith in Blackbough.
  2. The merchant in Blackbough.
  3. The Bloody Baron in Crow’s Perch.
  4. Yoanna, the blacksmith’s apprentice in Crow’s Perch.
  5. Fergus Graem, the blacksmith in Crow’s Perch.
  6. The quartermaster in Crow’s Perch.
  7. The trader in lower Crow’s Perch.
  8. The blacksmith in Lindenvale.
  9. The merchant in Lindenvale.
  10. The armorer in Midcopse.
  11. The merchant in Midcopse.
  12. The craftsman in Claywich. This is a person in distress and running into a bug is a possibility. Refer to this guide to solve.
  13. The trader in Oreton.
  14. The quartermaster at the Nilfgaardian Army Group Center Camp in the far south-east of Velen will be happy to play with you as well.

Six more in Oxenfurt:

  1. The armorer in Mulbrydale.
  2. The blacksmith in south-eastern Oxenfurt.
  3. Stjepan the innkeeper at the Alchemy Inn in Oxenfurt.
  4. The armorer in northern Oxenfurt.
  5. The merchant at the market in northern Oxenfurt.
  6. The dwarven herbalist in the hut north-east of Oxenfurt.


  1. The priest of Eternal Fire near Elector’s Square on the northern island.
  2. Marquise Serenity in the Passiflora brothel.
  3. The alchemist at the crematory north of Oxenfurt Gate.
  4. The merchant in the building behind the notice board.
  5. The innkeep at the Nowhere Inn.
  6. The loanshark south-west of Oxenfurt Gate.
  7. The merchant across the street from the loanshark.
  8. The innkeep at the Seven Cats Inn, east of Tretogor Gate.
  9. The innkeep at Cunny of The Goose, south of the city.
  10. Elihal, the tailor south of Tretogor gate.
  11. The merchant at the market north-west of Tretogor Gate.
  12. Olivier, the innkeep at Kingfisher inn sells a few cards.
  13. Marcus T.K. Hodgson at the bookstore on Hierarch Square.
  14. The blacksmith in Silverton, north-west of Hierarch Square.
  15. The merchant across the road from the blacksmith.
  16. The fish seller in the small market west of Hierarch Square.
  17. Vimme Vivaldi, the owner of the bank.
  18. The blacksmith on the fish market, south of the bank.
  19. The innkeep at The Golden Sturgeon, west of Hierarch Square.
  20. The dwarven herbalist south of the fish market, across the canal.
  21. Zoltan at Rosemary & Thyme, near the Gate of The Hierarch (during A Dangerous Game quest).
  22. The merchant north of Glory Gate.
  23. The madame at Crippled Kate’s brothel.
  24. The merchant at the Scoiat’ael camp south-west of the city.


An Skellig, the north-eastern island:

  1. The blacksmith in Urialla Harbor.
  2. The innkeep in Urialla Harbor, who also has some cards for sale.
  3. The armorer in Urialla Harbor.

Hidjarsfall is the island in the eastern part of the archipelago:

  1. The armorer in Larvik.
  2. The merchant by the inn in Larvik.
  3. The innkeep at the House of Warriors inn in Larvik.
  4. The blacksmith in Larvik.

Faroe is the elongated island in the south-east:

  1. The innkeep at the inn in Harviken. Meditate until 4p.m.
  2. The blacksmith in Harviken.

Spikeroog, the island in the north-west:

  1. The innkeep at the inn in Svorlag will sell you cards and play against you.
  2. The merchant by the sea in Svorlag.
  3. The blacksmith in the north of Svorlag.

Ard Skellig is the large, central island. In the northern part of the island:

  1. The blacksmith at Kaer Trolde.
  2. The armorer at Kaer Trolde.
  3. Jonas the innkeep at the New Port Inn in Kaer Trolde both plays and sells.
  4. The merchant in Blandare.

The southern half of the island houses ten more players:

  1. The blacksmith in Arinbjorn.
  2. The innkeep at the in in Arinbjorn sells and plays.
  3. The blacksmith in Fayrlund.
  4. The merchant in Fayrlund.
  5. The herbalist in distress on the road north of Palisade.
  6. The merchant in Fyresdal.
  7. The smith in Fyresdal.
  8. The smith in Kaer Muire.
  9. The armorer in Kaer Muire.
  10. The merchant in Holmstein’s Port.

Cards Associated To Quests!

  • Gwent: Old Friends
  • Gwent: Big City Players
  • Gwent: Playing Innkeeps
  • Gwent: Velen Players
  • Gwent: Skellige Style
  • A Matter of Life and Death
  • A Dangerous Game
  • Shock Therapy
  • High Stakes
