If you guys are on the fence about Wizard101 content creation, please do it!!!
If you at all have the spare time or means to create some Wizard101 content, I strongly encourage you to do so.
Every game is more fun when there’s an active group of creators that all have their own unique style that can get you excited about playing. Not only that, but it also forces existing content creators to up their game in order to maintain relevancy because there are more options. It’s really healthy for the longevity of the game, and honestly might be the reason why Wizard101 has prevailed and every other kid friendly MMO of its era no longer exists.
Like even if you think you suck, with enough practice, you can probably do something. Everyone has weaknesses, but also strengths. Think about someone like Ferric in 2020, who doesn’t have a ton of entertainment flair. He decided to focus on valuable informational content and became popular really quickly because of it. Another content creator, Haiguh, was more of a relaxed vibe where his chat would make fun of him and vice versa while he quested in the background for like 8 hours in end.
Prepare for it to be dogshit when you start, but I really think with enough practice everybody can create watchable content. There’s something there that you’ll find eventually after you make a ton of awkward videos, I promise. Play to your strengths, and you’ll have some sort of entertainment value. It’s within us all.
And even if you don’t like Wizard101 videos, it’s still a good idea to try to support content creators for games you like. They essentially serve as advertisement (unless the video is negative obviously), and can bring new players into the game. We can all agree that this game has the potential to be WAY more fun with a more active community. So let’s do our due diligence, and toss the newer Youtubers a spare like/follow/sub/comment to push them deeper into the algorithm.