Question/theory. Do you think the show will do that fight scene.
Only spoiler tagging the characters name just in case.
It comes up often when discussing the end of FoH that some readers are disappointed by couladins fight/death being off page and a flash back that skips over the fight altogether. I was just thinking about the show today and was wondering what other people think. Will the show uh show that fight, or will they have it happen off scene. Maybe not this season, but maybe next depending on how things go.
Personally I think they will do that scene for several reasons. First they have already done several scenes that happen off scene so to speak, one example being moraines fight with the trollocs on beltine, another being liandrins/BA escape from the tower etc. Secondly TV shows love action scenes (they just did one with Avi and Lan), so its probably been brought up already as a possibility. Lastly its almost too good to pass up showing couladin going down like the chump he is.
Just thinking about it now. If they end up having a couladin fight/death scene. Is there a possibility someone other than mat does it in the show. Based on how the show has been run thus far I think that is extremely possible. Really anything can happen at this point tho.