Show-only watcher questions about the show direction after reading book spoilers
(Warning for second hand book spoilers from a show-only watcher perspective!)
Hello! I’m a new fan that just discovered the show this season! I’m actually quite shocked I hadn’t even heard about this show before season 3… Also apologies if I format this post wrong, I don’t often use reddit but have been falling deeper into WoT fandom spaces since getting into the show.
So anyway, my wife and I were sold the show as a Rosamund Pike/Moiraine led and women focused story, but as we’ve caught up and delved deeper into WoT lore + fandom we’ve seen some book purists complain and can’t wait for her to disappear… which led me to that upsetting spoiler of Moiraine disappearing(possibly dying?) for a long time… And I also read that the Two Rivers kids are actually the main characters (though from how I see it as the show as presented, it's an ensemble of main characters with Moiraine as the grounding lead character) and the entire perspective of the story will shift to be less on the women and more on the male characters and male channellers.
Now I can’t help but feel a little bait and switched by the show if it goes in that direction and the straight white male chosen one takes over etc etc (which is a perfectly fine tale in itself of course, I actually happen to enjoy all the characters on the show and watching the kids slow burn rise in power; but what really made me interested in all that and what made such a story stand out from all the usual chosen one stories was that it was being told from the perspective of someone on the side of it - specifically a woman like Moiraine as the show was initially marketed and promoted as).
And just as a side, even though I think the kids are coming into their own as characters and actors - they still pale in comparison to the reputation, acting experience and star power of Rosamund Pike, something I think the show still needs as it apparently struggles with viewers?
So I guess, without specific spoilers, what I’m asking for is for someone that’s more in tune with the plan of the show runners(?) to clarify if all this really is the direction the story plans to go in?
I just worry my interest will begin to wane and my wife and I will stop watching as Moiraine leaves and the show becomes more stereotypically male led/focused as I hear it is in the books? And that I’ve let down a lot of my friends and family that I managed to convince to watch because I said Rosamund is in it and the women are at the centre oof..
Or have I just been interpreting book purist tweets the wrong way and it’s not as bad as it sounds?
I hope this all doesn’t come off as too complainy btw, I respect the history of these books and the fans who love them, and if that’s what the overall show story actually aims for and what the show always planned then that’s how it is and maybe it just isn’t for me! But I’d rather figure that out sooner before my wife and I get too invested (and before we give Amazon too much of our money haha)!
Ideally the show can find a balance to please both the book purists and casual show only watchers like myself, but from what I've seen online the book purists are very loud and demanding despite casual watchers making up the majority of views?