Swab in urethra
I just need to know I’m not alone. I had the most traumatic experience yesterday and I’m reeling. I went to my local instacare to get a quick sti test.
So I’m in the room and I go to swab myself it came out sooner than she instructed (30 sec) cause it was an awkward angle. I felt a snap. I panic. I got to grab it and I can feel the tip but when I got to grab it, the swab goes out of my reach and I panic. I run out of the room and whisper to the nurse it snapped and I can’t find it. When I tell you I was fishing in my vag I was fishing.
The doc comes in and does a pelvic exam. He gets the speculum and says he doesn’t see anything and gets a bigger speculum. He doesn’t find it. I ask to go to the bathroom and I pee but it doesn’t feel right and now I’m realizing it’s in my urethra. I go back and wait and they were ready to have me go home but I was like bro it’s in my pee hole. He shoves these long tongs in my peehole and doesn’t see a thing and is trying to suggest it’s not lost in me. BUT I CAN FEEL IT! He tells me I need to go to the er for them to get it out.
I’m at the er another male doctor does a vaginal pelvic exam. At this point I have two sets of hands and 3 speculums inserted into me and Ive been crying. They order an xray and don’t find anything. Nurse walks in and asks me to pee in a cup. I’m peeing and it hurts SO bad. Then I reach down and feel a bulge. I feel around and can feel the swab and I get a grip and pull it out. Put it in a cup and go back. The nurse sees and is shook. The doctor is shook and two other nurses come in to see the swab I pulled out my urethra.
I’m pissed how did the first doctor not see it?! And I feel violated having two strange male doctors fishing around my vagina for something I was able to handle my self. Please tell me I’m not alone