Oregon Sedgwick comp

Was told by doc, "nothing else I can do medically for ur injury, it's time to close ur file" OMG GREAT THANK YOU I CAN GET MY LIFE BACK!! But wait here is my issue, Sedgwick stopped playing my time loss that day March 15th.. didn't receive payment til my lawyer slapped them with a "penalty" and got a court date for July 21st. I got a check of back pay of 575.60. Normally I receive 335.76. I told my lawyer that they keep sending me checks for 575.60, he said that's because that's what your owed biweekly.. I was like ok so the "PENALTY" was now I receive more income.. (I trusted my lawyer) BIG MISTAKE, HUGE!! Well guess who has an overpayment, guess who noticed it was an overpayment a week before court.. yep Sedgwick.. so now they say I got an overpayment of 3,000 and that will be paid back outta my settlement. They hit me with 29,000 final offer , saying "you owe back pay and of course lawyer fees", I'll walk away with 15,000 FU!! no deal. something with the adjuster court was cancelled so now it's a wait game til the paperwork comes in.

ALSO HELP ME figure this out

how is it a overpayment of 3,000 .. y'all please help me with the math, cuz their math isn't matching my math..

If I'm supposed to get 335.76 isn't that just a 239.84 difference?? They sent me 6 payments of 575.60 that's only 1,439.84.. right

How do they get 3,000 They obviously counted the money I was already due (335.76) so if they're counting that, shouldn't they be pulled back into court for a non payment??

Y'all what do I do?? My lawyer is wanting me to sign closure paperwork in the next couple of days.. do I bring this up?? Do I keep, I'm getting screwed a secret.. do I call another lawyer since mine is obviously not trustworthy. I'll take any advice. Thanks for reading my novel lol .. stay blessed ❤️ yes I ramble. I'm sorry 😔