The Sad Realization

There is something we as a community need to realise right now. Our community… is dying. The average number of online people on both Discord and Reddit has been slowly declining for months. The active player-base, while still strong, is a shell of its former self.

Maxim, I know you don’t read my posts, but please, give us something. Some kind of hope, interaction… maybe? If we continue at our current pace, by the time that update releases, there might not even be as many players as before the MegaBox update.

I want this game and community to get somewhere, and I know people like me are shunned all the time for complaining. I get it. But comparing us to games like Silksong doesn’t make where we are good, it just shows us how low we’ve fallen.

Now, as for my opinion, which doesn’t matter at all: I don’t want another sneak peak, I don’t want another teaser, I legitimately, 100% just want a release date. That’s all. It doesn’t have to be soon. It doesn’t have to be even by the end of next March. I just want something to sit down and think about, because right now, in previous personal experiences, the shadiness on the release date doesn’t tell me something’s coming, it tells me that there’s a lack of commitment.

Truthfully, I’m not a game dev, I don’t know how hard it is. I understand Maxim and Mastef work incredibly hard, and many days they are focusing on delivering the best update ever. But in everything I’ve ever done in life, whether I’m doing it for myself or others, just saying “I’ll get it done” and not having a deadline means that people don’t know when to count on me. I feel the same way about this.

Maxim, you can ignore everything I just said, but can you give us something real? I don’t care about a 50/50 this year. Maybe it’s next year, maybe it’s in 2 years… a real deadline, a real goal, a real commitment. Okay here’s a question… is it coming out before May of next year?