Suggestion for future databank level increases
I know many people wanted higher drop rates but I don’t see much discussion about the weekly enhanced drop rates attempts. Farming 4 cost is so much of a pain because you can only get it from enemies rather than tacet fields.
In addition, you get 1 guaranteed drop every 2 overlord/calamity boss kills so increasing the base drop rates won’t impact your 4cost farming duration much, but increasing the enhance drop attempts will - at least on a weekly basis. (I have killed probably 200+ inferno rider over the past 5 weeks and yet to have a satisfactory echo)
Honestly I would rather they increase the weekly enhanced drop chances to 20/week for the next databank lvl rather than any resource rewards. Hell, I would be willing to pay a few hundred asterites for a better databank. Cus increasing the databank from 21 to 24 does almost nothing for endgame players.